Maybe this Zen master can rehabilitate himself, and acquire

Maybe this Zen master can rehabilitate himself, as well as take some great karma, by reading what we have proved below (I even typed it out for him!). It is from D.T. Suzuki who, by the way, ranks in my book as the great academician as well as Zennist (I consider we like him since he ignored DogenWestern Zens naked king).

but there is genius in their hatredthere is sufficient genius in their loathing to kill youto kill anybodynot wanting solitudenot understanding solitudethey will try to fall short anythingthat differs from their ownnot being means to create artthey will not understand artthey will consider their disaster as creatorsonly as the disaster of the worldnot being means to adore fullythey will hold your adore incompleteand then they will loathing youand their loathing will be perfect

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