Mickey Mouse has no Buddha-nature

Before we went to Disneyland in the early sixties, we never gave Disney's mouse most thought. Sure, we watched the Mickey Mouse Club though especially to see Annette Funicello. After my visit to Disneyland we gave Mickey even less thought. Disneyland was usually the tall category county fair, reduction the stock as well as the chickens.

Now we realize which this small three finger human-like margin mouse is the messenger of nothingness. He is not all which innocent with his squeaky small voice. Sure, we all know he is not the genuine mouse; which Walt Disney created the Mickey Mouse impression in 1928. He appeared in the initial sound cartoon in 1928, Steamboat Willie. Not most later Roy Disney decided to copyright the character. This led eventually to the contract with George Borgfeldt who would make toys regulating Mickey as well as Minnie Mouse. After that, Mickey ruled the world.

The genuine truth is which Mickey manners over the soulless false paradise which brings the rank as well as file security, consumerism, scientism, banality, the military state, not to discuss bad conviction (Sartre). All of this helps to give climb to the soporific collective consciousness. Such the state creates capitalist predation possible as well as achievable. But worse it closes the door on spirit, which is, the Buddha-nature.

The Buddha-nature is replaced with happiness. Mickey Mouse, who doesn't have the Buddha-nature, represents this kind of happiness. All sentient beings have the right to experience complacency though the complacency twisted in to the kind of petty-bourgeois cheerfulness. On the same score, though to put it differently, keep poverty, homelessness, disease as well as death out of this pictureall this interferes with my happiness. These things have been complacency sucking.

As far as Mickey's care is concerned. He has nonenot the trace. What Mickey Mouse does mount for is comfort. Mickey is the modern paraclete.

The Mickey Mouse ethos manners religion, to! o. There is not the dime's worth of difference between the single modern religion as well as anotherall hold in complacency as well as comfort. Nirvana or heaven, this is the place of happiness. And if we have been in the lot of pain, earthy or psychological, the clergyman will joy you.

The aloft need to contemplate the vital piece of the universe which is the same piece which creates up the thoughts as well as dreams is unnecessary. There is no such thing, according to Mickey. There is usually nothing. But it can be the happy, cuddly, cozy, warm nothing with lots of sweets as well as mousy kisses.

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