Mad monk Wonhyo

Picture 37 In order to see a intrinsic almighty inlet of reality or loyal substance, a single has to be devotedI mean devoted! Mediocrity need not request for a jobit takes might as well as a honesty of a child.

One such chairman who seemed to be a might with a honesty of a kid was a legendary Korean Buddhist monk, Wonhyo (617686). (Wonhyo, by a way equates to "dawn.") In my common opinion he correctly comprehend a meaning of One Mind (ekacitta) which puts him in to a unique category of Buddhist monks who have been not just full of color parrots.

Wonhyo was no doubt a great scholar. He read most Buddhist works as well as stoical a large number of important as well as profitable commentaries (I have a single of his commentaries in my mini library). He also founded a Korean lineage of Popsong (i.e., Dharma Nature) in an effort to unify a Mahayana teachings for Korea which, incidentally, helped eliminate a proliferation of contending lineages which is not a case with a history of Japanese Buddhism where there have been currently roughly two hundred lineages.

Wonhyo was considered so spiritually means which he didnt require a teacher. He was a self-taught, home grown master who despite after apropos a mad priest was well reputable by a court as well as a common people for his devout achievement as well as wisdom.

Early in his devout life, most similar to Dogen, Wonhyo set out with a crony to go to China looking help towards achieving a surpassing awakening. Traveling for most days during a heat of a summer as well as exhausted, a two pilgrims motionless to camp nearby a grave mound. Late which night, Wonhyo woke up with a blazing thirst. Reaching for a nearest thing he could find which contained water he confident his lust afterwards went behind to sleep. Upon awakening a next morning, most to his abhorrence he detected he had drank from a tellurian skull. Immed! iately, he became ill as well as vomited. Then it dawned on him which mind was protean, easily becoming different all a time, since a loyal inlet was unchanging as well as pristine. He afterwards satisfied which he had just awakened to a puzzling One Mind. As a result of this surpassing awakening Wonhyo motionless he had no need to go on roving to China. He pronounced farewell to his friend. When he returned to Korea he was no longer a divine priest but had turn a "mad monk" who was not inauspicious to playing with children, drinking, as well as making visits to a internal whore houses. Because of this conduct he declared himself "the lowly layman." However, unlike Buddhist priests today, Wonhyo was genuinely awakened to a One Mind. Nor similar to Buddhist priests currently was Wonhyo a hypocrite, similar to a beautiful porcelain pot full of shit.

This is an excerpt from Wonhyo's work, Arouse Your Mind which substantially dates from in between 677 as well as 684. It is taken from, Sources of Korean Tradition by Peter H. Lee as well as Wm. Theodore De Bary, eds., pages 8788.

Now all a buddhas adorn a palace of willing extinction, nirvana, since they have renounced desires as well as used austerities on a sea of countless kalpas. All sentient beings whirl by a doorway of a blazing house of samsara since they have not renounced longing as well as indulgence during lifetimes without measure. Though a heavenly mansions have been unobstructed, couple of have been those who go there; for people take a three poisons (greed, hatred, as well as delusion) as their family wealth. Though no a single entices others to evil destinies, most have been those who go there; for people consider a four snakes as well as a 5 desires to be changed to their deceived minds.

Who between tellurian beings would not instruct to come in a plateau as well as favour a path? But fettered by lust as well as desires, no a single proceeds. But even yet people do not return to mountain fastnesses to favour a! mind, a s distant as they have been able they should not desert wholesome practices. Those who can desert their own sensual pleasures will be worshiped similar to saints. Those who use what is difficult to use will be revered similar to buddhas. Those who want badly things stick on Mara's entourage, while those who give with adore as well as care have been a young kids of a King of Dharma himself.

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