
With palms together

Good Morning Everyone,

This sunrise was lazy. you woke with my alarm, though rught away went back to sleep. Suzuki-roshi pronounced which he had to sense to burst out of bed as shortly as his eyes opened in order to get up. you unsuccessful to jump. Consequently, you did not get to the temple as good as am during home working. Besides, Qwest lost Internet service during the bureau yesterday afternoon. Another the single of those 24-48 hour subject outlines as to when service will be back up. So, Suki as good as you went for the small business travel during the in accord with hour. And you am right away friendly with my coffee as good as computer. Still, you need to get to the Temple, as the single never knows

Yesterday the immature male walked in to the Temple as good as longed for to discuss it me about his believe of Zen. you invited him to practice, though he really longed for to talk. His presentation of himself went from what he had read to how so many others were so judgmental, to how Buddhism changed his hold up as good as helped him turn his hold up around. you admire him. He came from the community which knows small to nothing about Zen as good as there he was, in the Zen Temple talking to the abbot. you goal he returns, though more, you goal he practices during home.

Last night you held the Zen 101 organisation and, you confess, you am not myself in which group. We are using the explanation on the Fukanzazengi of Master Dogen as the source text. you onslaught with the participants over the simple questions all of us who come to Zen sooner or after face. Questions per its apparent contradictions, per its practice, per the role of self (what self, which self?) everywhere as good as obscure everyone.

It is most simpler to give the Teisho as good as let the listener sort it out.

Be well.Zen wisdom for every day living.

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