With The Ideal Comes The Actual

"With a preferred comes a actual, similar to a box
All with a lid. Lo! with a preferred comes
The actual, similar to dual arrows in mid-air
That meet."
These have been lines from a Zen poem called "The Sandokai" which you consider translates as a harmonization of sameness as well as differences. you was emailing with my crony a Buddhist monastic as well as telling her a story of my hold up as a home renovator. Her beneficial as well as judicious reply was "With a preferred comes a actual".
The preferred exists in a aptitude as well as a tangible is what comes to a doorstep. We have a vision of how things should be (usually involving easy as well as pleasant) as well as afterwards when alternative things happen you criticism similar to toddlers who have had their favourite fondle taken away.
"With a preferred comes a actual." This is so true of all things you courtesy as formidable in life. you consider by per things as difficult, a pointed rejection of things as they have been is implied. By per things as difficult, you imply which things should be easier, work out some-more uniformly as well as some-more to a liking. For me you regularly seem to suppose which things work out some-more uniformly for others. Somewhere deep inside you have paid for a little kind of advert image of people. If they demeanour well put together, you suppose there lives flow seamlessly along similar to a little silly hollywood movie. It's only when you get a little snippet of their some-more private hold up which you wake up. you learn which they suffer from sleeplessness or their father died of cancer or.....
So hold up as a home renovator has had a moments of lightness as well as darkness. More Sandokai here:
"Within all light
Is darkness, though explained it cannot be
By dark which biased is alone.
In dark there is light, though here ag! ain
B y light biased it is not explained.
Light goes with dark as a method does
Of stairs in walking."
The lightness was in creating a vision as well as sourcing all a elements of a plan as well as in appreciating a work of a little of a good trades you had working upon a project, a tilers, a carpenter. There was pleasure in seeing things come together as well as compare as planned. But a dark crept in when one trade valid unreliable, dual valid over priced. The washing machine as well as a dishwasher got shop-worn in a move. Unexpected distinctive nature was discovered behind a cabinet. And a series one (as David Letterman would say) beating was a offgassing from a brand brand new cabinets as well as a smells of adhesives as well as tile grout used in a process. you had utterly overlooked this aspect of a reno though a aspect had not overlooked me.
Chemical sensitivies to these products reared their ugly conduct as well as my body complained about a participation of these fumes. A cold turned to laryngitis, eyes burned as well as watered. And as a mind sometimes does, a good long story sprung, fully formed. "What if you have to rip my brand brand new kitchen out, what if you have to move?" you have been rediscovering a be scared queen side of myself! In a finish you did what any sane modern person would do. you googled it. you found which mobile homes have huge air peculiarity as well as offgassing issues as well as which complicated avocation air purifiers have been used to siphon a chemical gases from a air. So ensued a solution, an industrial strength air purifier.
I roughly have my voice back as well as a plan is roughly complete. There has been lots of Dharma here, lots to learn as well as right away a a appreciation of silence as well as solitude.