Monthly Dues and Dana Request
Good Morning Everyone,
We have had the really good year with lots of Temple office building as well as Sangha office building efforts. Feedback has been zero though positive. Our sesshin fees have been very, really low during $25.00 for the full weekend. you am suggesting you enlarge these fees to $50.00.
This is the last month of the year. For those who instruct to suggest dana to the Temple, please do so, you have been always in need. you cruise it would be wonderful if those who cruise themselves sangha members have the monthly pledge.
I propose the following:
Friend of the Order: $5.00 per month
Associate Member: $10.00 per month
Member: $25.00 per month.
Sustaining Member: $50.00 per month
Great Benefactor; $75:00 + per month.
Friends, Associates, as well as Members will compensate $25.00 for sesshin/zazenkai/retreats as well as will be asked for $25.00 for any ordination ceremony
Sustaining Members will compensate $15.00 for sesshin/zazenkai/retreats as well as will be asked for $15.00 for any ordination ceremony.
Great Benefactors will compensate zero for any use offered by the Temple.
Yes, you want to be the part of the Order of Clear Mind Zen
Please enroll me during this level:
____Friend of the Order: $5.00 per month
____Associate Member: $10.00 per month
____Member: $25.00 per month.
____Sustaining Member: $50.00 per month
____Great Benefactor; $75:00 + per month.
Regular dana will assistance us to organisation up our bill for the entrance year. So, please complete thisform as well as lapse it as shortly as posible to
Thank you.Zen knowledge for daily living.
We have had the really good year with lots of Temple office building as well as Sangha office building efforts. Feedback has been zero though positive. Our sesshin fees have been very, really low during $25.00 for the full weekend. you am suggesting you enlarge these fees to $50.00.
This is the last month of the year. For those who instruct to suggest dana to the Temple, please do so, you have been always in need. you cruise it would be wonderful if those who cruise themselves sangha members have the monthly pledge.
I propose the following:
Friend of the Order: $5.00 per month
Associate Member: $10.00 per month
Member: $25.00 per month.
Sustaining Member: $50.00 per month
Great Benefactor; $75:00 + per month.
Friends, Associates, as well as Members will compensate $25.00 for sesshin/zazenkai/retreats as well as will be asked for $25.00 for any ordination ceremony
Sustaining Members will compensate $15.00 for sesshin/zazenkai/retreats as well as will be asked for $15.00 for any ordination ceremony.
Great Benefactors will compensate zero for any use offered by the Temple.
Yes, you want to be the part of the Order of Clear Mind Zen
Please enroll me during this level:
____Friend of the Order: $5.00 per month
____Associate Member: $10.00 per month
____Member: $25.00 per month.
____Sustaining Member: $50.00 per month
____Great Benefactor; $75:00 + per month.
Regular dana will assistance us to organisation up our bill for the entrance year. So, please complete thisform as well as lapse it as shortly as posible to
Thank you.Zen knowledge for daily living.